Seasonal highlight for birding

Spring/ From mid April to mid May
- passage migrant in breeding plumage
You may find !:Oriental pratincole, Latham's snipe

Summer/ From late May to late June
- residents and summer visitors are breeding
You may find !:Ruddy crake, Chick of Grey-headed lapwing

Fall/ From late July to early October
- passage migrants. first half is peak for adult shorebird
You may find !:Greater sand plover, Long-toed stint,Marsh sandpiper

Winter/ From mid November to late March
- Winter visitors
You may find !:Falcated teal, Chinese black-headed gull,Merlin

Best birding site for waders

1 Tidal flat
The mouth of Sakai river, Sijimi river, Kamita river
2 Fields
Amatu area, Sugiyama area, Yaguma area, Toshima area
[Regulars ()=Main habitat; T=tidalflat, R=rice field, C=cabbage field, P=pond, M=Marsh]

  1. Passage migrants
    1. Mainly spring
      Sharp-tailed sandpiper(R),Spotted redshank(R), Bar-tailed dwit(T)
    2. Mainly fall
      Greenshank(T),Black-tailed Godwit(T),Great knot(T), Broad-bill sandpiper(T),stonechat(R,C)
    3. Spring & fall
      Roufus-neck stint(T,R),Lesser golden plover(R,C,T),Tattler(T)
  2. Summer visitors
    Great reed warbler(R,P,M),Intermediate egret(R)
  3. Winter visitors
    Greater scaup(T),Pochard(T),Mallard(T),Common teal(T),Grey plover(T),Dunlin(T),Gusky Thrush(R,C),Pendulin tit(M),Reed Bunting(M)
  4. 4 Residents Spot-billed Duck(T,R,P),Black-crowned Night Heron(P),Marsh Harrier(M),Grey-headed Lapwing(R,C),Skylark(C),Japanese Wagtail(C),Bull-headed Shrike(R,C),Siberian Meadow Bunting(R,C) Tree Sparrow(R,C),Gray Starling(C)


  1. Very rare(only 1 or 2 recorded)
    Greater yellowlegs, Avocet, Caspian plover, Pied Harrier,others
  2. 1record/ about 4-5 seasons
    Spotted greenshank, Asiatic dowitcher, Spoonbill sandpiper,Little curlew
  3. 1record/ about 2-3 seasons
    Black-faced spoonbill,Bairds sandpiper,Longbilled dowitcher

BIRD CHECKLIST251 species(23KB)

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