Communication Project "Living Together"2nd Stage

  2nd Stage ... Since Oct.20 1998schoollocation.jpg (10478 バイト)


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     Our 2nd Stage was full.  Please go on 3rd Stage to read the continue.  Our purpose of this project is finding out the difference between two countries.  So we want to ask precise questions on the theme.

      The countries we want to exchange mail are:
Switzerland, Egypt, Spain, France, Korea, Germany, Argentina, Italy, Finland, Russia, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey, Chile, Philippines, Australia, England, India, Netherlands, Mongolia, Malaysia, China, South Africa, Austria, Mexico, Other Countries
Click the name of the country, and you can jump to students' messages.

     Please send your message to . I'd like to put your message on this page below students questions.  Let me know if you don't want.

The last update was done on 12/18/00
More students' messages are coming soon.  Come back again next week!

xswiss.jpg (1009 バイト)Switzerland,
101  Tomoko, Akina, Izumi, Haruka, Chihiro, Hatsuki
304  Maiko

C.A. Brot from Switzerland (October 29)
We have fireworks on the 1st of August when there is the national Feast. I like Kate Winslet very much too. I bought the video of the film Titanic. Heidi is a legend. The character was created by a swiss writer in the past century. This story is very popular in Switzerland. Some girls are named Heidi here, in the swiss german part. This is a german name.
We have a lot of mountains, yes. 60% of the land is covered with mountains.In winter they are white with the snow on the summits. The milk tastes very good and we make good cheese. Good chocolate too. I like cheese very much, I eat some almost every day with bread. We have a lot ot cheese specialties, like "Fondue" (this is made with
melted cheese), "Raclette". I eat 3 times a day like most of people I think. In the morning I eat few. The main meal is at midday. In the evening, I eat sometimes bread with cheese, or some fruits when I am not very hungry.
Switzerland is clean, very green, everything is well organized. This is a taste of paradise ! I like my country very much, but I like to see other countries too. I was
never in Japan but I would like to go one day. The culture must be very different.
What do I eat ? Cheese, chocolate, beef meat, vegetables, potatoes, and
everything. I like pasta. I have eaten sushi when I was in San Francisco in a Japanese
restaurant ! I don't know really what is "tempura".
If somebody want to write to me, please use the e-mail adress above. If you have other questions on Switzerland, write to me. Best greetings, Claude-Alain
P.S.: I live in Lausanne, I'm 36 old. I work in a technical high school as
a librarian.

202  Rumi, Yuka, Yoshimi, Sayuka
In Japan we wear kimono and yukata as Japanese traditonal clothes.  But it is difficult to wear it. So some young women learn how to wear kimono and yukata.  How about in your country?  Do you have traditional clothes?  (Oct 29)

C.A. Brot from Switzerland (October 30)
In Switzerland we have folkloric clothes that the people wear in some occasions like feasts. Why should it be difficult to wear traditional clothes ? In everyday life we dress like everybody. I have no special clothes, no typical swiss clothes. At some places the people dress with costumes only for the tourists (for Japanese tourists!): We have a lot of Japanese tourists here, they are always very nice and very polite.

xegypt.jpg (889 バイト)Egypt,

Samir from Egypt

601 Yoshimi, Tami, Rie, Miharu, Haruyo
102 Sae, Mami, Noriko, Naomi, Chisato
Thank you for your letter.  I want to ask you.  Do you have a job?  Where is Oman?  Why do you know Japanese food?  Do you know "hagoita"?  It is a Japanese traditional toy.   These are a gigantic desert in Egypt.  Will it snow in Egypt?  How many family members do you have?  We wish Arabic is not so difficult.  (Oct 26)  

506 Yoshiko, Anna, Ayumi, Yumi
108  Katsuya, Kazuya
103  Hisaki, Yusuke, Ikuo

Isidre   Armengol from Spain (October 20)
I am Isidre Armengol. A teacher of English in a Spanish school. Our school (Minguella School) is in Badalona, a city near Barcelona (Catalunya). We received your letter last week asking for information about Spain. We are interested in exchanging information with you. That's why  I have taken six students of mine to answer your questions, and they are ready to start correspondance with yours. 
Our webpage is    and our email address is the one above. I hope you like our letters and the picture of us we are sending you. My
students would be glad if you put their messages on your page together withtheir pictures. I'm sending their pictures in two different files. 
Here are the letters: Letters to Japan from Spain
Dear Katsuya , Kasuya .
     I read our message . Now I talk about me.      My name is Joan Molina and I am thirteen years old . I live in Badalona , Spain . I study in Escoles Minguella . My country is Spain , we have a lot of   festivals and traditions , for example : bullfighting , the
Christmas , the Easter, etc.  Spain have 40.000.000 of persons more or less. The most important singers of Spain are Julio Iglesias ,  La Pantoja , Els Pets , etc.    

     We stay in North - Est. of Spain next to Barcelona , one of the most important cities of Spain , because in that were celebrated The Olympic games . The zone were is Barcelona is Catalunya.   Catalunya  have 6.000.000 of persons more or less and
seventeen regions.   The most important monuments of Barcelona are 
La   Sagrada
, Colon, etc. The most important singer in Barcelona is Joan Manel Serrat.    The most important team of football of Catalunya is F.C.Barcelona and the most important team of basketball of Badalona is La Penya.     In Badalona we have some typical foods : paella(rice),gaspacho (cold vegetable soup) , could meat sausages , bread & tomatoe(s) , etc.    You asked me about Easter and the time of Spain.  -We have Easter in March , in Easter we don't go to school . we eat eggs in this time.   -Now in Spain is autumn , but isnt cold in this zone.
     Tell me about Japan : the people , the food , our lenguage , the music , Manga ...Tell me about yourself.   See you soon .I am  waiting your answer. Joan Molina   
Letter to Japan  15/10/98
Dear YoshiKo/ Anna/ Ayumi/ Iumy
My name is Josep Sanchís and I am thirteen years old. I live in Badalona, Spain. I have discovered your Internet message. I'd have got an Internet relationship with all you. You asked me about bullfighting and I think that's a difficult theme to talk to a foreign person. All the people in Japan, France, USA, and others, thinks in all Spain the bullfighting is as popular as T.V. shows. If you get a Spanish political map, you will be able to see a city next to the Mediterranean. Its name is Barcelona and is very popular cause in that were celebrated the Olympic games '92. The zone where is Barcelona is Catalonia. There is Badalona too into Catalunya. In this zone the
bullfighting isn't very popular. There are a lot of bullfights, but never goes to watch that much folk. All the children in the class detest it and all my friend too. We think that's brutal, isn't it.  The places where you can watch
corridas  are Madrid, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Toledo, Granada, Cádiz, Múrcia, Valladolid, Salamanca, La Coruña... But I
never advice to do it. -Badalona is a City near the Sea. It is next Barcelona, Montgat, Tiana, St.Adrià, etc. It is the third biggest town in Catalonia. His museum is
very good. It's an excellent city!!! -The most typical food is
paella(rice), gazpacho(cold vegetal soup ), cold meat sausages, and pa amb tomàquet( bread with tomato ). -The most important monuments are Sagrada Família, Colón... -The best football team is FCBarcelona and the best basket team is Pintures Bruguera de Badalona ( or la Penya) and FCBarcelona ( or Barça ). -The bests musical groups and singers are the Pets ( the Farts ), Manuel Serrat, el Fari, Julio Iglesias, Enrique Iglesias, Sopa de Cabra, Lax&Busto, Blue4one, Sangtraït, Rocío Jurado, la Pantoja...
-The most popular festivities are Christmas, in 25/12. We celebrate that as in USA.
There is too the Badalona
s day. In there, a lot of people stay in the streets and devils that throw fire pass. It is in 11/5. In St.Jordi, the men give rosesto the women and they give books to the firsts -Tell me about Japan: The country, the food, the school, the most famous musical group, Dragon Ball, the lenguage...Tell me about yourself. See you soon. I am waiting your answers!!!
Dear Hisaki, Yusuke, Ikuo:
My name is Noemí and I'm 14 years old. I'm from Barcelona (Badalona).How old are you? I like the animals and the babies. What about you?   I think if in Catalonia there are a concription low, is because the people use a lot of precautions. But the normal number of sons in the normal families is two. I think this is no bad.What is your opinion? In my country, the most famous food is the
pà amb tomàquet. (bread,
tomato, oil, and salt). I never taste the sushi but we eat the fried fish.  I think is possible we are very friendly, and if it is true is because it is our personality. It means it is not a custom.What is your personality I hate the bullfighting because I love the animals. In the bullfighting, the bull is tortured for a long time , because the bullfigter thrustas a kind of  knives with flowers and colors at the bull until he dies. When he
dies, they pull up its ears and give the ears to the bullfighter. But in spite of it, it is very popular. But if you like it, I can past some information about it. There are some spanish people who sings well, (Enrique Iglesias, La Rabia del Milenio, Molotov and others but I think the english pop músic is the best.  Do you know what is Sagrada Familia?What do you think about it? Do  you have any kind of monuments? Please in your next letter, can you give me a photo and some information about you? (age, hobbies,etc...) Noemí Solà i May    Nice to meet you.

Dear Keisure, Tetsuro, Yuki and Nobuo.
Nice to meet you. My name is Ricard, I'm a spanish boy. I'm 13 years old. I am tall, I'm have got a short and black hair.  My eyes are more or less big and green and blue. My favorite color is blue and my favorite food is spaghetti. My favorite actor is Jim Carrey and my favorite actris is Julia Roberts. I have got one brother his name is Ferran and he is 16 years old. My father's name is Rafael and my mother's name is Mª Eulàlia. I live in Badalona. Badalona is a city near Barcelona. My city is parallel the sea. Is a mediterranian city.  The typical  food in my country is bread and tomato and the typical monument is The Sagrada Familia. I don't know who is Tetsura Komuro. Can you send me a photograph ? The famous musician in my country is Julio Iglesias and Jose Luis Cobos. The most exiting festival in my country is
correfoc. The people gets wet and they are under the devils and the devils throw fire. The devils wear a
special red dress. How old are you ? Have you got any brothers or sisters? In wich city do you live? What is the Nebuta festival about? See you soon.                                   Ricard Fontrodona i Batlle.
Dear Ayumi, Yoshiko, Anna and Yumi:
         Our names are Meritxell & Saray, we are 13 years old. We are live in Badalona (Barcelona).I'm Meritxell, I have got   brown hair and short hair. I have got brown eyes. I like clasical dancing. My favourite grup musical are The Moffatts, Backstreet Boys, Des
Ree & Hanson. I'm Saray, I have got blond hair and shot hair.I have got brown eyes. I like fisical education and I like dancing. My favourite grup are Backstreet Boys, Celin Dion.      Spain is a litle peninsula, there are 35.000.000 of persons in Spain. The capital of Spain Madrid. Madrid hasnt got sea. In Barcelona, the popular monument is Sagrada Familia.   The popular music in Spain are Macarena (los del rio), corazón partio (Alejandro Sanz),  la copa de la vida (Ricky Martin)worldcup 98 & Desatamé

(Monica Naranjo).   In Catalonia the dishes popular are bread & tomatoe, could meat
sausages. But in Spain The dishes popular are rice,could vegetable soup. Not everybody plays Tango. We don't know because we have never plays.   What kind of dishes does Japan have ? What kind of popular dances in Japan? What kind monuments are there in Japan? What kind of family popular in Japan? What kind of music is  popular in Japan ?         Respect you:
   How old are you? Where do you live?Have you got any pets?
   Goodbye friends,see you son   Saray & Meritxell
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They are from left to right:   Joan Molina, Josep Sanchís, Ricard Fontrodona
From left to Right: Saray Roldan      Meritxell Saez    Noemí Solà 

Aintzane, Kylie, Maite, Myriam from Plentzia high school in Spain (October 21)
Hola, Hello. We are 4 students from Plentzia High School, in Spain.  We received your questions during our English class and decided to return some answers to you. Firstly, we live in the Basque Country which is in the North of Spain. We don`t like bullfighting much, however it is very popular in the South of Spain and is very much part of their culture and tradition.  Many people in the Basque country and some people in the rest of Spain,dislike bullfighting, as the bull is killed and they believe it is cruel.  Here we run in the streets with bulls or calves in festivals, and this is also very traditional. The main Spanish festivals are Christmas and Easter.  We don`t have a Santa Claus in christmas.  We have, in the Basque, a man called Olentzero who lives in the mountains and as the story goes, spreads the word about the birth of Jesus and gives presents to the children.  If the child has been bad they get coal.   In the other parts of Spain there are three magic kings, and they travel by camel and deliver presents. You also asked about the conscription law.  Well, we do currently have a conscription law however, in a short period of time this obligation will be abolished, we are very happy about this.
     Famous foods in Spain are paella, which is a dish with rice and vegetables, sometimes served with meat;  and  `tortilla de patatas` which is like an omelette with potatoes. Yes, people here in Spain are mostly very open and friendly, this is just the way we are.  The music we enjoy comes from a variety of artists, we have a large
American and English influence on our music.  You may have also heard of Flamenco, this is a very traditional and cultural dance and music, which is very popular particularly in the South of Spain.  We love to dance. We have big parties called "fiestas" where there are parties out in the street, some bands play and food and drink is available.  They are a lot of fun.  We can party for most of the night and the morning, as we have
"siestas" in the middle of the day after lunch.  Again this is particularly the case in the South of Spain as the temperature can reach 40 degrees celcius sometimes.   Here in the Basque country though, the heat is a lot milder and the winter is a lot colder, it snows about an hour from where we live so it can get very cold. It was really nice to talk to you and hear your questions on Spain and your information on Japan.   If you would like any other questions answered we would love to help. Adiós Amigos                                            
Aintzane, Kylie, Maite, Myriam, from I.E.S. Uribe-Kosta.Plentzia, Spain.

507  Ayumi, Yoshiko, Anna, Yumi
Dear Meritxell and Saray    Buenas tardes.  We're 15 years old girls.  We live in Aichi.   I'm Anna.  I have got black and short hair.  I have got black eyes.   My favorite group is Da pump.  I have two dogs. 
My name is Yumi.  I have got very very black and short hair.  I have got black eyes.  My favorite group is L'Are~en~ciel.  It means rainbow.  I love Hyde in the group. He is very very cool. 
My name is Ayumi.  I have got black and midium hair and a little brown eyes.  My favorite group is "Kinki Kids."  I love them,  They have very handsome face. 
I'm Yoshiko.  I have got a little brown and short hair and eyes.  I like to play drums.  My favorite group is globe.  Globe has many hit songs. 
Japan has many food.  They are sushi, natto, sukiyaki, and tempura.  In them, a little Japanese people don't like natto.  Pop dance is popular in Japan.  There is "Hachiko" in Japan.  It is a famous dog.  Now, L'Are~en~ciel, T.M. Revolution are popular in Japan.  We have many tests.  Do you have many tests?   Where do you often go shopping?  We listen "Be the Man" by Celine Dion in English class.  It was a good song.  See you.  (Oct 28) 

602  Keisuke, Tetsuro, Yuki, Nobuo
Dear Ricard,   Hello.   I'll answer your some questions.  We are all 14 years old.  Tetsuro has one brother.  Yuki has one brother, too.  Keisuke has three brothers and one sister.  He has a big family.  And Nobuo has one sister.  We have been in Kariya since we were born.  Kariya is central part of Japan.  Nebuta festival is one of the most exciting festivals in Japan.  I've seen it on TV.  It was great.   So I want to see nearby it.  This year, we are students preparing ourselves for an examination.  We study very hard every day.  Do you like studying?   See you soon.  (Oct 28)

103  Hisaki, Nakano, Ikuo
Thank you for your mail.  This is our profiles.  Hisaki: age,14. birthplace, Aichi (central part of Japan). birthday, December 15. hobbies, reading books, listening to radio.  Nakano; age, 15.  birthplace, Aichi.  birthday, October 6.  hobbies, listening to music, pop music.  Ikuo; age, 15.   birthplace, Aichi, birthday, August 24. hobby, making plastic models.  We don't know Sagrada Familia.  Please tell us about it.  We tell you Japanese meal. Main food is rice in Japan.  But many people eat bread, too.  Dinner is main here.  We eat breakfast at seven in the morning, lunch at noon, dinner at seven in the evening.  How about  in your country?  What is your country's manner?  (Oct 30)

401  Nana, Miyuki, Akane, Yuka, Eri, Noriko
505 Touko, Haruka, Hitomi,
305 Masayuki, Tomohiro, Yuta, Yasuki

Cecile Chavanon from France (October 23) 
401 - nana, Muyuki, Yuka, Eri, Noriko
We have never been to japan. In France there are a lot of churchs and castles. In the big towns you can find buildings. In Paris there is the MONTPARNASSE tower. I think that it's the taller. There are not buildings in our region. In France there are not buildings like in America.
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I like French foods very much, but I also like to taste other foods. My favourite food is sauerkraut. It's also a Germain food. It's fermented cabbage with patatoes, type of smoked sausage, type of beef sausage, pork shoulder, smoked bacon. You can cook sauerkraut with white wine or beer. It's a delicious meal. We generaly eat it in winter. 
I send you some picutres of foods from our region (or district). An other meal that I like is Tartiflette. We put patatoes in water. When they are cooked We put them in a dish. We   add a onions, pork, a glass of wine and we put it in the oven for 30 minutes. We don't know any Japanese food. We have looking in the dictionary to know what is SUSHI. It seems that it is a good dish. Can you send us the recipe please ?
The word cup was a great event in France. It was so excited to see French players at the final. We had never seen as many people in the streets when France had won. The atmosphere in the streets was extraordinary. We had never seen it in our life.
Have a good day.  Cecile and family

403 Kayo, Ai, Nami, Chiaru, Akane
There are not deserts in France or we don't understand the question. Teenagers wear a lot of jeans (Levis jeans are the most popular). We will send you some pictures from a catalogue. I have not good pictures of clothes for the moment.  In France we can buy a lot of clothes from catalogues.
We don't know miso-soup. What is it ? The most popular foods in France are pastas, beef, french fries, cheese, ham...and so on...Chidren and teenagers like to go to Mac Donald.   In our district we are a lot of Algerian people so here, French people like to
eat a good couscous. Do you eat couscous ? Couscous is popular. We also eat paella. It's a Spanish dish with rice, fish, chiken....Do you know paella ?

Of course we have a higher noise than Japanese. Here we say that Greek people have a high noise... Have a good day.  Cecile and family
405 - Shogo, Hiroshi, Taku, Jun, Malaomi, Daisuke, Takashi
Yes bread is very popular. We eat bread every day. The French bread is called BAGUETTE (250 grammes) or PAIN (450 grammes). We also like to eat CROISSANTS. It's a little cake that chidren like to eat for breakfast. The baker cook them every day. In the morning people generally drink coffee, milk, bread with butter and jam, croissants....Chidren prefer milk with cocoa, croissants, bread with
butter and jam, cereals, orange juice...... People generally take breakfast beetween 7am an 8 am. They have lunch beetween 12 and 1pm and they have diner beetween 6,30 pm and 7,30 pm. The lunch is the most important meal of  the day. We eat a lot of French fries, beef, patatoes, chiken, vegetables, cheese.......a lot of different foods....We are not found of fish but generally French people eat fish every friday. It's a religious tradition. Bread wine and cheeses are the most popular in France.
We havn't gone to the word cup but we have watched matches on TV. We only watched French matches. The most popular players are 1 - Zidane 2 - Barthez
3 - Deschamps 4 - Lizarazu 5 - Desailly

There are a lot of nice sigh to visit in France. If you like big cities, of course you must visite  Paris or Lyon or Marseille. The most popular monuments are Eiffel tower, Triumphal arch, and Versailles castle. If you prefer quiet place and nature,   there are a lot of wonderful villages, castles, churchs, old farms, wineyards...... I like Paris but I wouldn't live in Paris or big cities. I prefer quiet villages and nature.
I send you some picutres from my district :
comte.jpg (24909 バイト)
1. The lake of Vesoul
2. A monument where they produced salt
3. A nice village
4. A car museum (Peugeot)
5. The lion of Belfort (the sculptor has also made the statue of the
Liberty in New York)
6. Cascade
7. A modern church
8. A castle
9. Into the castle
In 1789, we had the storming of the Bastille. The revolutionary people had a blue, white and red cockade. So since 1789 blue, white and red is the symbol of the country. Bye Cecile

603  Yuka, Eri, Nobue
Hi, Dominique.  We heard French bread is harder than Japanese French bread.  But we think Japanese French bread is hard.  So we think real French bread is very hard.  We think we can't eat it.   Do you think French bread is hard?  (Oct 25)

Cecile Chavanon from France (October 26)
505  Touko, Haruka, Hitomi
We are never going to Disney Land so we don't know if the symbol fo the park is Le chateau de la belle au bois dormant.

305   Masayuki, Tomohiro, Yuta, Yasuki
The longest river is about 1015 kilometers. It is called LOIRE. We like football, handball, basketball, gym, athletics, table tennis. The most popular French sport is football. There are also basketball, hadball, volley ball, badminton; judo, karate, boxing, gym, tennis, swimming, rugby, bike, dance... Yes we have watched the word cup on TV and we were very happy to win the final.
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Our house is make with bricks. Generally new houses are in bricks or cement. Old houses are in stones. We send you a picture of our house which is in bricks, and a picture of our family house which is in stones (old farm). In our house there are  3 bedrooms, one small and 2 bif (for children), one kitchen, one livingroom, one bathroom. Upstrairs there are a garage and a cellar. The surface area is about 140 m2 (meter carre. 1 square yard   = 0.836 m2). It's not a big house. Usually, houses are bigger.
On sunday we like to get up late in the morning. We like fishing, picking mushrooms, going to the market, watching TV, going to visit our family..... We like to have good meals. We have told it to you school friends yet. We don't know japanese food, but we would like to know...... What is sukiyaki, natto, tempura ? We like nems, but we don't know if it's a japanese food.   Bye Cecile and family

603  Yuka, Eri, Nobue
Our favourite dishes are : Morgane : pastas, cakes, apples tarte, peas, cheese dishes
Charlyne : rice, corn, chocolate, yaourt, leg of lamb,
Cecile : sauerkraut, rice, chinese foods, vegetables, soups
The BAGUETTE is the most popular and the longest bread in France. Generally it is beetween 0.8 meter and 1 meter (metre). Frederic (the dad of Morgane and Charlyne) drinks wine every day when he is on vacation. When he works, he only drink wine on saturday and sunday. He only drinks one or two glasses of wine. Woman don't drink very much. Here people also like to drink beer.
Recipe : Gateau aux pommes
6 big spoons of suggar 6 big spoons of floor 6 big spoons of milk
4 big spoons of oil 2 eggs 1 little spoon of baking powder
Mixe all the ingredients. Cut 6 big apples in dices and mixe the dices with the first mixing. Put the mixing in a dish and put it in the oven for 30 minutes.
Cecile, Morgane and Charlyne 

405  Shogo, Hiroshi, Taku, Jun, Masaomi, Daisuke, Takashi
To Cecile: In Japan on New Year's Day people worship at shrines.  So they make wishes for the year.  Othen we play "karuta" playing cards.  And we spend relax time all day with our family.   Japan's typical New Year's Day dish is "osechi."  Osechi is various food.  And each food has meaning.  So we often eat rice cakes.  How about your country's New Year's Day?  And how do you spend the day?  (Oct 26)

403  Kayo, Ai, Nami, Chiharu, Akane
To Dominique: I thank you very much.   We understood these sentences.  I think Japanese famous brand is much as expensive as French clothes. (Oct 26)

104 Shogo, Yuki, Shinichi, Yasumasa
To Cecile:  The staple food of the Japanese is rice.  What is the staple food in France?  The famous places in Japan are Mt. Fuji and Disneyland, and so on.  Whare are the famous places in France?
Thank you for your kind letter.  We had never knew the Eiffel Tower is 320 meters high and its weight is 7300 tons.  We look forward to seeing your pictures.  We call Waterloo Road "Oh, Shanjerije" in Japan.  Next the world cup is held in Japan and Korea.  Did you know that?  Please try to eat tempura or sukiyaki when you come to Japan.  We like France better.  We write to each other often.   Have a good day.   (Oct 26) 

Dominique from France (October 28)
603 Yuka, Eri, Nobue
Hello! Well I never ate any french bread "made in Japan" so I don't know how hard you bake it... but I don't think french bread is that hard!! The crust can be kind of hard, but the inside isn't at all, and there are a lot of different sorts of french bread, and different shapes! The regular "baguette" is best eaten the day you buy it, as by the next day it will be either rubbery or hard as rock (the way it turns out to be depends a lot on the weather...), but other breads can be kept for a couple of days and remain just right! Our country bread for instance, is very soft and stays soft... And you know, the baker has a lot to do with it too... Bread from an old fashioned bakery or "industrially mlade" bread bought at the supermarket won't be the same! I think until you go in a village and try all the breads made by a traditional baker, you'll never really know what french bread is about... :-) Have a nice day. Dominique

205  Hikita, Ueno, Okada, Tateishi
A caroon is interesting now in Japan.   There are many cartoons in Japan.  For example, "Doraemon" is popular among both children and adults.  Doraemon is the robot who came from the future.  Doraemon has many future tools.  For example, he has "take-copter".  Take-copter is a propeller.  He put it on his head and fly into the sky.  Are there any cartoons in your country?  (Oct 29)   

301 Yuji, Shinichi, Takahisa, Yuichi
Dear Cecile,  Thank you for your letter.  We can know many things.  But we want to know more different kinds of things.  May I ask you some questions?  I heard in France soccer is very popular.  I like soccer, too.  Soccer is one of my hobbies.  And other my hobbies are seeing movies, listening to CDs, and playing sports.  What are your hobbies?  Please write soon.  Yuji  (Oct 29)

106  Kyoko, Ayu, Misato, Midori
Hello, Cecile.  Thank you for your mail.  We could learn about your country.  The Tokyo Tower is the main symbol of Japan.  We knew it is as high as the Eiffel Tower.  Sushi is very popular in Japan.  Do you know it?  It is very good.  Are there Sushi store in France?   (Oct 29)

301 Yuji, Shinichi, Takahisa, Yuichi
Dear Cecile,  I tell about Japanese food culture.  In Japan, when people eat food, we use "hashi."   "Hashi" is made of woods.  First we catch food.  Second we carry food to our mouths.  I heard bread is the staple food in France.  Is it right?  Then I tell you Japanese traditonal food, mochi, sushi, tempura, and misoshiru.  How about in your country? 
I tell you about Japanese traditional dress.  In New Year's Day we first visit shrines.  We wear kimono.  It is very showy and colorful.  Do you have a traditional dress?
There are some national holidays in Japan.  For example, Culture Day, New Year's Day, Christmas Day, Sea Day, Old People Day, Children Day, Vernal Equinox Day, Autumnal Equinox Day, the Emperor's Birthday, and so on.  So I love them very much because I don't have to go to school.  I want more national holidays.  How about in your country?  (Oct 29)

104 Shogo, Yuki, Shinichi, Yasumasa
Dear Dominique,  People in Japan are very interested in the earth's environmental problems and volunteer.  For example, global warming, acid rain, recycling.  In my school we collect empty aluminum cans on our way to and from school.  Recycling aluminum cans helps to save resouces.  Furthermore, we clean the parks near my school as a volunteer.  We want to know more about recycling and volunteer.  How about in your country?   (Oct 29)

203  Hiroko, Makiko, Manami, Shihomi, Misaki
Dear Dominique,  There is a school lunch in Japanese elementary school and junior high school.  A school lunch is cheap and nutritous.  A menu changes every day.   The main food is rice or bread.  We eat side dishes and fruit or dessert.   They are made at facilities for providing meals.  The price is 250 yen.   How about in your country?  (Oct 29)

Dominique from France (October 30)
205 Hikita, Ueno, Okada, Tateishi
There are plenty of cartoons in France, french cartoons, american cartoons and japanese cartoons that we call mangas. Some TV programs are entirely dedicated to cartoons, especially early morning, and mid afternoon, as well as wednesdays afternoons. (that's for national tv channels). On satellite tv, we have the special cartoon channels, such as Cartoon Network, Fox Kids Network, etc. The most popular cartoon here among kids is Dragonball and Dragonball Z. The french cartoons aren't much into robots or "special powers" heroes, but are "softer" (like "Pif et Hercule", about a cat and a dog), or very ironic (satiric), like "Iznogood". Children are also very much into Power Rangers (Turbo), Ninja Turtles (next generation) , Beetleborgs, or series like Eerie Indiana, Goosebumps, etc.  Dominique

104 Shogo, Yuki, Shinichi, Yasumasa
In France the recycling program is getting more and more serious. Everybody is given two garbage disposal bins, one with a blue top for the non-recyclable trash, and one with a yellow top for recyclable stuff. Garbage trucks come three times a week, twice for blue bins, once for yellow bins. On top of that, there are very big bins all around
towns, where people can drop their recyclable things. We recycle aluminium, glass, paper and carboard, and plastic. In certain parts of the country, there are special days dedicated to environment cleaning, where kids gather and go pick up all the garbage
from beaches, parks, woods, etc. But this isn't spread enough yet in the country, and depends more on which part of the country you live at.  Dominique

203  Hiroko, Makiko, Manami, Shihomi, Misaki
In France it is only a small minority of children who eat lunch at school. The price varies a lot depending on the family income. It's free and paid off by the City when the family income is below a certain level, and can be up to 28F for families with more income. It consists in an appetizer, main meal (meat or fish, + vegetable or pasta or rice), yogurt or cheese, and fruit or dessert. In some schools, the children have the choice between 2 or 3 different meal combinations. This really resembles a restaurant! In most cases, it is provided by a caterer, and served at school in what we call the "cantine", the special room for lunch.  Dominique

307 Tomoko, Ai, Mayumi, Yuka
The New Year in Japan is an important event like Christmas in your country.  We call the New Year's Day "Gantan."   February 3 is "Setsubun."  The old calendar says that this is the day divides winter from spring.  On the evening of Setsubun we scatter porched beans indoors and outdoors and shout "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi."  It means " Evill spirits out, good spirits in."  "Hinamatsuri" is also known as the peach blossom fete.  This is the traditional festival for girls.   The cherry blossom is the favorite flower of the Japanese.  Many people get to see the cherry blossoms.  Will you tell me about some events in France?  (Oct 30)

106  Ayu
We go to an elementary school and a junior high school for nine years.  They are compulsory education.  A high school isn't compulsory education but a great many people go there.  But  we must take an entrance examination to go to high school.  It is very difficult.  We go to high school for three years.   After that many people go to college.  College has an entrance examination, too.  How about in your country?  (Oct 30)

105  Toshiko, Hitomi, Ayano
504  Daisuke, Masashi, Tomohisa, Shuichi

Mr. Jung-Dong Kim from Korea

406  Shinnosuke, Kohei, Masaru, Akira, Shingo
Q:What kind of music is the most popular in your country?  A: Pop music.  Q: What sport is the most popular in your country?   A: Baseball and Soccer and Sumo.  Q:  How do you think of the environmental problems?  A: I think all the people in the world should share the ideas.  Q: Do you have a different manner?  A: We must not eat with our mouth full....  We'll ask you some questions.  Do you know Namie Amuro?  Yes?   How do you think of her?  For example, about that she married with Sam.   (Oct. 26) 

303  Yanagawa
In November SEGA company will sell "Dream Cast."  It is 128 bits.   How many bits computer game do you have in your country?  (Oct 29)

504  Daisuke, Masashi, Shuichi, Tomohisa
Hello, Jung.  I'm sorry it took me so long.  Do you know the young comedian pair, "Pirates"?  They are nice body and popular among young people.   They say "Dacchuno."  It is a word everyone says now.  We hope to make it popular in your country.  Are you interested in a comedian?  (Oct 30)


604  Masanori, Kouhei, Tatsuya, Shuhei, Yuki

Beate from Germany

107  Hajime, Osamu, Shinya, Kenichi
Hello, Beate.  Nice to meet you.   Thank you very much for your mail of October 15.  We have never been to Germany.  We want to go to Germany.  Have you ever been to Japan?  Japan is an industrialized country in East Asia.  Japan is a very nice country because Japanese is kind to the world.  Japan is famous for its Tokyo tower.  Rice is the staple food for Japanese.  Japanese like meat and fish very much.  Japanese favorite drink is milk and juice.  Will you send us a mail again.  Good-bye.   (Oct 25)

Christiane Feldmann from Germany (October 26)
Hello, thank you for your quick reply. The school is situated in Germany, very close to the Dutch border. But I-the English teacher- live in the Netherlands and at the moment I use my private computer for sending the e-mails. We are 28 students in class 9e, but our school only has got 6 computer places, which are not connected at the moment - so, it's easier this way. Best wishes

107  Hajime, Osamu, Shinya, Kenichi
Hello, Christiane,  Thank you for answering my questions.  May I ask you a question?  How many persons can speak English well?  Japanese are a few persons can speak English well because we haven't chance to speak English.  (Oct 29)

206  Kenji, Suzuki, Kimura, Matsui
In 19th century, Japan had great person.  His name is Hirofumi Ito.  He made a Japanese constitution in the old days.  It was made of in German constitution.   Who is the most famous hero in Germany?  (Oct 29)

109  Shunichiro, Yoshinori, Michitaka, Takuya
Hello, I like soccer, too.  I like soccer player, Nakata.   Nakata is a wonderful player.  Nakata plays soccer in Celie A.  He got three goals in Celie A.  Japanese soccer team is stronger and stronger.  Please come to Japan in World Cup in 2002.  (Oct 30)

Betty Wolff  from Argentina (Nov 1)Betty.jpg (32559 バイト)
I would love to go to Japan for your 2002 International Soccer Championship. I have already been to Japan twice. I really liked it. I´m planning to go to New Zealand quite soon. We are getting ready for Halloween. My house is full of bats and jackolanterns and witches, how scary!!! Now I´m having my tango lesson, I´m waiting for my friend to come and pick me up with my new car, not Japanese, though, it is Renault 19, a French car. I have to get ready, wear a dress and high-heeled shoes. I hope you keep on writing me. I´m sending you a picture of my nephew, Nicholas and me in our home in West Hartford, CT - USA, where my family is based. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, though, because I don´t like the States forever. Yours, BETTY WOLFF

506 Takashi, Yuta, Nobuaki
110  Shinsuke, Kensuke, Jin
508 Shinji, Yuki, Takuya, Masahito, Toshiro
208 Takayoshi, Shingo, Masashi, Takashima

xfinland.jpg (887 バイト)Finland,
502 Nao, Mayumi, Naoko, Mako, Yu
Our family eat a Christmas cake.  Mother cook dinner.  Children decorate Christmass tree.  Father let a Christmas tree out of a closet.  We have a good time. (Oct 25)
605  Yayoi, Hiroko, Reika

Heikki Korpinen from Finland

xrussia.jpg (918 バイト)Russia,

Alina  from Russia (October 21)
Hi, dear pen pals. My name is Alina. I am girl of 12 years old. I live in Russia in Moscow region. I am glad to read your letter. Internet is really great opportunity for
communications! I am trying to answer your questions. I don't know exactly about quantity of kinds of hats in Russia. Here are a lot of them. The functions of the hats depend on region of Russia. Sometimes it is to preserve head from sunrays, cold weather so on. Sometimes it is obligate clothes for man, especially in rural areas and Caucasus. Sometimes it is thing of prestige. Russian kids usually play in matreshka in the youngest age, about 1-3 years old. Russians drink a lot of tea. It is usually strong, hot, fresh-boiled black tea without milk. Perfect kinds are Ceylon, Indian and Chinese leaf-tea. Some people prefer green tea. My parents like green Chinese tea with Jasmine flowers. There is something about food. We eat rice, too, but a little bit of it. We like to cook soups with vegetables and meat. My family likes to eat fish and seafood, because we lived a lot of time in Far East (in Sakhalin and Vladivostok).
There are some orient faculties in Universities in Russia where students learn
Japanese language and culture. The biggest interest to Japan among Russian
people is actually in the Far East, because they are neighbors of Japanese ones.
I have not seen Anastasia movie. I know there is legend that one of last
Russian impairior's daughter was survived, but it is not true. This story is not
supported by real facts. It is true that there are more than 1000 kinds of folk-clothes-sets in Russia. There are different people who live in Russia, so they prefer different kinds of music and singers. The most popular thing in Russia is money. This is popular ideal for the worship, too. May be it is independence which money gives. This is philosophy question.

     I have not heard about mister Obuchi. I asked about him my friends and teachers, but they had not known about one. Who is this? The most famous Japanese person is Mister Seku Asahara who is leader of religious sect Aum Senrike. We have heard also about former Prime Minister of Japan Mister Rutaro Hasimoto and Impairior of Japan His Majesty Hirohito. Could you be so kind as to answer my questions? Please find herewith. What are the main celebrations in Japan? What these mean? What is usual a pupil's time schedule for a workday? What is the most popular sport in Japan?
What is the ordinary kind of house for a family living in a city? What are the most popular professions in Japan? Please, write me who are you, boys or girls?
I hope to hear about you again. Best wishes. Your pen (Internet) pal, Alina

501 Mizuki, Eriko, Yukari, Mayumi
Dear Alina  Hello.  Thank you for your mail.   We're girls of 15 years old.  Japanese house are made of wood.  How about your country?  I heard they are made of stone. (Oct 25)

Dear Dmitriyevsky,  Thank you very much.  We are glad to contact with you.  We want to study the difference between Japanese culture and Russian culture.  Please tell us.  In Japan we take off the shoes in the house.   Our compulsory education is 9 years.  We start to study from 6 years old to 15 years old.  We study 6 days in one week.  But we have often two holidays in one week.  How about your country? (Oct 25)

306 Rie, Mayumi, Yuka, Eri, Maki
Dear Dmitriyevsky,  Thank you for your letter.  We are surprised Russian young people wear a baseball hat.  We thought old people must wear a hat because they are losing their hair.  We heard you drink Russian tea with strawberry jam.  Really?   Japanese old people's hobby is gateball.  What are Russian old people's hobby?   Our popular occupation is musician, nurse, doctor, entertainer, stewardess in Japan.  How about in Russia?  (Oct 29)

Alina  from Russia (October 29)
To: Mizumi
Unfortunately it is difficult to write you some Russian folk story in Russian, because they are long and my English is not so perfect. Try to find them in Internet through the search engine? Good luck! Let's change more short stories for example proverbs.
To: Mayumi
I am girl and my favorite sports are swimming and basketball. The most popular sports in Russia among male population are hockey and football, and probably to drink beer due the competitions. There are a lot of the cans and bottles in stadium after them, usually more than holes in the gates. What kind of sport is the most popular among Japanese girl? Best wishes and sport's wins.
To: Erico Tada
What kind of culture are you interested in? Is it Music, Literature, Art or Theatre? I like the Russian realistic art of the end nineteen-century especially section of the Russian so-called 'peredvizhniki' which means 'movers'. Levitan is one of my favorite artists. I like Bunin more than other Russian writers. If you find his story The Light Breathing, read it, please. The Prince Igor by Borodin is my favorite Russian opera. He was a member of section in Russian music of nineteen- century so-called 'moguchaya kuchka' which means 'mighty little heap' as Musorgsky, Rimsky- Korsakov and Glinka. My favorite Japanese writer is Acutagava Runoske and my favorite Japanese movie-producer is Akito Kurosava. His film The Racemon is one of favorite ones for my father and me. I like drawing for fun by watercolor. Could you draw on rice paper by ink-brash?
To: Yukari
Unfortunately, I cannot play Cossack dance, because I am girl. This folk Ukrainian dance for strong young and hot men. I have seen it on TV only. I know that people who live somewhere in rural area can dance in folk style. Can you dance in folk Japanese style?   P.S. I have learned English for 2 years. Please find herewith-additional questions. What do Japaneses do in weekend? When do pupils have vacations? How long time are they? With best wishes, Alina.

My name is Paul.I want to ask you some questions:
 Are there many people,who are fond of national Japan musik?
 What are teenagers hobbies in your country?
 Is it difficult to eat rice with sticks?
 What is the highest mark in Japanese school?
 Who is the most popular singer in your country?
 When do celebrate New Year?
 We decorate New Year tree,and you?
 Is "The Prodigy" a popular group in your country?
 Have you got national kinds of sport?
 Are there many children in Japan family?

 Here some questions from Tanya:
 What are the nation suveniers in Japan?
 What Russian writers do you know?                                     
 What nation dresses besides kimano?    
 What subjects do your pupils study?
 Were you in Russia?
 Do you make parties for your teenagers?
 How do you meat foreign people?
 What towns are the the biggest and more beautiful in Japan?

Piotr. from Russia (October 30)
>306 Rie, Mayumi, Yuka, Eri, Maki
>We heard you drink Russian tea with strawberry jam.  Really?
Not only strawberry jam. Also rasberry, cherry, black/red currant jam. Russian jam differs a little from what is usually called "jam". It is made of berries and sugar only without any special ingredients. It is not like jelly.
>Japanese old people's hobby is gateball.  What are Russian old people's hobby?
Russian old men play "dominoes", "draughts" (or "checkers"), drink alcohol. Old ladies usually seat near their apartments and spread gossips about their neighbors.
>Our popular occupation is musician, nurse,doctor, entertainer, stewardess in Japan.   How about in Russia?
In Russia popupar occupations are lawyer, journalist, singer, sales manager.
>501 Mizuki, Eriko, Yukari, Mayumi
>My name is Mizuki.  I'm interested in Russian history and folk stories. Please tell me one.
There is a very popularcharacter of Russian fairy-tales. His name is Ivan the Fool. (Ivan-Baka in Japanese). Sorry, don't have time to retell you all the stories. Usually Ivan is sent by a greedy King to get something that is very difficult to get. On his way he meets different birds and animals and helps them in their troubles. In the end his new friends help him in the difficult situation.
>My name is Mayumi.  What sports do you like the best?  What sports are the most popular in Russia?
I like cycling very much. When I lived in Japan I used my bicycle a lot. The most popular sports in Russia are soccer and ice-hockey. Unfortunately, children start to use computers more and more and spend less and less time outside playing games like that.
> My name is Eriko Tada.
> I want to go to Russia.  Please tell me about Russian culture.
Sorry, do you have any particular question? What would you say if I asked you "Eriko, tell me a few words about Japanese culture" ? What particularly are you interested in? Music? Architecture? Literature?
> My name is Yukari.  Can you play kozzac dance?
Unfortunately I can't. My friend can.
>501 Mizuki, Eriko, Yukari, Mayumi
>In Japan we take off the shoes in the house.
We also take off our outside shoes near the front door (inside). But we don't take off our slippers before entering a room. Probably that's because we don't have tatami.
> Our compulsory education is 9 years.  We start to study from 6 years old to 15 years old.  We study 6 days >in one week.  But we have often two holidays in one week.  How about your country?
Our compulsory education is 9 years too. We also study from 6 years old. The difference between Russia and Japan is that we don't have this strict division like "shogakkou", "chuugakkou", "kougakkou". Children usually study in the same building from the very start until they graduate. Those who don't go to technical school continue their studies in the high school (in the same building) for another 2 years. That means that many people spend 11 years with the same classmates! Besides Russian system is not 6-3-3 like in Japan but 3-6-2 !
Feel free to send other questions. Sorry for the delay. Piotr

306  Mayumi, Rie, Maki, Eri, Yuka
People often drink the tea in Japan.  There are a lot of kinds of tea.  And these are the teas which are famous in Japan; Ryoku-cha, Green Tea, Dokudami-cha, Barley Tea, Hatomugi-cha, Genmai-cha, and Houji-cha.  Green Tea is loved by Japanese among these teas.  But it isn't now.  Instead, foreign teas are loved by young people now.  In Russia, what beverages do you drink?  (Oct 30)


Anthony Sampson-Young from Nigeria (October 20)
There is only one race in Nigeria and it is the black race, what we have is a diversity of language (about 250 different tongues). Our Nigerian flag colors stand for the fertility of the land. As for football we would beat Japan any time any day hands down, besides I am not a football fan at 6ft 4in the game I love is basketball. In my free time I would send you as much information as I can on my beloved country. God lives here in Nigeria. I do not understand the meaning of the word (verdure) can you explain ?
Look at Nigeria as you would look at the UK they were our colonial masters so we behave like them English is our official language and we now speak it better than our masters. Will give you more info later take care and God bless.
Best Regards Anthony Sampson - Young

503 Hiroaki, Toshiaki, Naoki, Toshihiro, Kazuhisa, Kosuke, Atsushi
We don't know about Nigeria very well.   Please tell us such as famous place, food, popular sport, and so on.  If you have any questions about Japan, please ask us.

503 Hiroaki, Toshiaki, Naoki, Toshihiro, Kazuhisa, Kosuke, Atsushi
Hello, Mr. Stella.  We are Japanese students who got your e-mail.  You are studying Japanese, aren't you?   Japanese has "joshi."  It shows the relationship between word and word.  Japanese people use wrongly.  But if you get used to it, you can understand it.  If you have any questions, please ask us.  I hope you can speak Japanese well.  Good luck! Sayonara. (Oct 25)

Stella Yetunde Williams from Nigeria (Oct 28)
Konnichiwa!:I was really happy to hear from all of you! I don't mind answering your
questions! As my mother says: "if you don't ask questions, how will you get answers?"
  In Nigeria, actually, there are many tribes, but the three largest ones are: The Yoruba, who live mostly in Western Nigeria, The Igbo, who live in mostly Eastern Nigeria and the Hausa, who live in the Northern part of Nigeria.
  The colours of our flag are two colours, green and white, which are divided into three. The green stands for the green of agriculture, the fertility of the lands...Nigeria grows a lot of crops like rice, yams, cassava and vegetables, which i am sure you can all identify with.The white stands for peace...we have had problems like civil war, so the
white serves as a reminder that we should keep the peace, because it is very precious.
  As a hobby, i like soccer a lot, but i prefer to study the martial arts like karate,and taekwondo. I also love volleyball and watching anime, reading, eating and listening to music. Stella ps Stella is a girl's name and it means 'star' in italian.

503 Hiroaki, Toshiaki, Naoki, Toshihiro, Kazuhisa, Kosuke, Atsushi
Hello, Miss. Stella.  There is "washoku" in Japan.  Washoku means the Japanese foods.  Washoku is eaten by only Japanese people.  The staple food is rice.  Dishes other than staple food are "misoshiru (miso-soup)", grilled fish, "tsukemono (pickles)", and so on.  We eat with "hashi (chopsticks)."  We drink Japanese tea.  The teas are green tea, wheat tea, and so on.  But in these days people eating western food increase.  How about in Nigeria?  (Oct 29)   

503  Hiroaki, Toshiaki, Toshihiro, Naoki, Kazuhisa, Shimomachi, Otani
Hello. Miss Stella.  I'm sorry to mistake your gender.  By the way, you misunderstood "joshi."  It is used by Japanese people, when we speak making a sentence and so on.  "Ga," "wa," "kara," "node," and so on are joshi.  For example, "My name is Hiroaki." change Japanese words.  It is "Watashi no namae wa Hiroaki desu."   There are "no" and "wa". They are joshi.  If you don't understand about Japan, please ask it to us.  (Oct 30)

xthai.jpg (972 バイト)Thailand.
302 Kaori, Miki, Keiko, Natsuko, Mayuko
Hi, Tanin.  How are you?  The other day, you told us how to learn English.  So we are singing  "We are the World."   We saw the picture about Thailand.  They didn't pose for the picture.  We usually pose peace sign.  Don't you always pose?  Good-by.  (Oct 29)

Tanin from Thailand

xturkey.jpg (970 バイト)Turkey,

Mustafa Kertik from Turkey

402  Yoshiyuki, Shinya, Kazunori
In Japan baseball is more popular than soccer.  In professional baseball there are two leagues.  They are Pacific League and Central League.  In a league, there are six teams.  In Pacificl League, Seibu Lions is the strongest in six teams.  In Central League, Yokohama Bluewaves is the strongest in six teams.  Do you know?  How about in your country?  (Oct 26)

204  Satomi, Naho, Mayumi
Thank you for an answer.  We could know a lot of things about Turkish wedding ceremony and a question was solved.  We are very gald.  Please answer my questions again.  There is a drink, Turkey coffee in Turkey, isn't there?  We heard that its taste is like medicine.  Is it really?  And after finished drinking, powder's fortune really come true?  Will you tell me it?  I look forward to hearing from you soon.  (Oct 26)

610  Otani, Nakai, Kyoko
Japan has many old stories like "Momotaro", "Kaguyahime", and so on.  Does Turkey have any legend of stories?  We have strong alcohol.  We call it "shochu."  Turkey has very very very strong alcohol.  They call it "raku", doesn't they?  How much can strong man drink?  I want to drink it ....  (Oct 29)

404  Kyoko, Akemi, Yoriko, Kaori, Haruna, Miki

xphilippines.jpg (933 バイト)Philippines,
407  Takahiro, Masaki, Yusuke, Tatsuya, Yusuke
Thank you for giving me e-mail.  So that's wonderful.  How many people does your country have?  And do you like Japanese food?  Good by.  (Oct 25) 

Aster from Philippines

407  Takahiro, Masaki, Yusuke, Tatsuya, Yusuke
In Japan we have no school on 2nd and 4th Saturday.   We will have 5 school days since 2002.  Club activity is very popular.   In Japanese school we have 6 classes every day.  But we have 3 classes on Saturday.  School starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m. (Oct 29)

xaustralia.jpg (1039 バイト)Australia,
308 Shinya, Takuma, Kazuya, Hiroyuki, Yoshio

xengland.jpg (1621 バイト)England,
609  Masaru, Yuki, Ken

Robert Sutherland from England (October 20)
Hello Students, My nane is Robert and I live on a small island in the English Channel
called Jersey. It is famous for Jersey cows and Jersey New Potatoes. New Jersey USA is named after our island. The population is 80,000 and the size is 10 x 5 miles. I would be glad to answer any more questions
Regards, Robert Sutherland
Tracy from England (October 25)
I would be happy to correspond with you. I thought it would be interesting as you are clearly curious of the culturaly differences. I have such a thirst for knowledge about the wolrd in general. I will be happy to answer any of your pupils questions. I had a peep at the web page but the question was about fashion. I did not think I had anything to add on that one. But what a wonderful way to show the children about life.

508  Matsushita, Okamoto, Konda, Yamamoto, Nanba
In the World Cup, you don't use Union Jack.  Why?  Japanese main food is rice.  How about in your country?  Some Japanse people listen to music of the Beatles who is famous in Britain.  What song do you like with the Beatles?  The princess Mononoke became popular in Japan.  Do you know that animation movie? 
Mr. Beans is very popular in Japan.  Is it popular in Britain, too?  Do you like Japanese movies?  Japanese junior high school starts at 8 a.m. and finishes at 4 p.m.  We must wear uniform in junior high school.  How about in England? (Oct 30)

Tracy from England (November 1)
>508  Matsushita, Okamoto, Konda, Yamamoto, Nanba
>In the World Cup, you don't use Union Jack.  Why?
This is because the Union Jack represents Britain (England, Ireland Scotland and Wales) The flag you will have seen was the English flag as each country had their own entry. The flag is also called the Flag of St George as it represents St George who is the Patron Saint of England.
>  Japanese main food is  rice.  How about in your country?
I love rice  - I should live in Japan then I could eat more! This is a very tough question indeed to answer as in England there is no particular food but one of the main accompaniement for a meal is the potato - In many different ways too - Roast, Mashed, whole new potatoes, crockett potataos and Baked potato (Known as Jacket potato) and chipped - and always vegetables to accomany. The typical english dinner would be a meat Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Beef, steak - all carved off the joint - The traditional Sunday dinner: Roast Beef, Roast potatos, Mashed potato, two vegetables (boiled), Yorkshire pudding (unique to england) gravy, sage and onion stuffing (or other) and perhaps horse raddish sauce. If you have roast lamb then the sauce
would be mint sauce. Vegetables are usually boiled and popular ones - carrots, peas,
broccoli, Cauliflaur, broad and runner beans, sweed, parsnips, cabbage. Typical appetisers before a meal would be: Fruit juice, Melon, Grapefruit, Prawn cocktail or soup starter like Tomato or mushroom soup. Nowadays people eat many combinations of different countries foods such as Lasagna, Pizza, Pasta dishes, Chinese dishes, Chilli and curries. In an english pub you would find combinations of these on a menu along with more traditional meat and veg dishes. In resteraunts you would find meat done in many different ways and sauces like Lime and Corriander sauce, cream and mushroom, wine, honey and mustard etc - alot of sauces are
made up with fresh cream There are things I would consider typical of England - Cornish Pasties,Trifle (dessert), Fish and chips with vinegar. If you were to look in an
English cook book you  would find things like Shortbread, Scones, Treacle pudding, Jam Rolly-Polly, Plum loaf, Shepherds pie. Maybe I should send some english recepies for you all to try?
Some Japanse people listen to music of the Beatles who is famous in Britain.  What song do you like with the Beatles?
I love "Help"
> The princess Mononoke became popular in Japan.  Do you know that animation movie?
Sorry I don't know Mononoke. The Disney films are the main animation films we see at our cinemas.
>Mr. Beans is very popular in Japan.  Is it popular in Britain, too?
Mr Bean is fun to watch. He is played by a British Comedian - Rowan Atkinson. Did you know the man who plays the part used to be a doctor? 
>  Do you like Japanese movies?
We don't get any Japanese movies over here. But one of things I love to hear is Japanese traditonal music when they play it on the KOTO (Is that the right word?)
>  Japanese junior high school starts at 8 a.m. and finishes at 4 p.m.   We must wear uniform in junior high school.  How about in England?
School here starts at about 9am and finishes 3.30 (5 to 11 years old) and 3.45pm (11 to 16 years). Children are required by law to attend until they are 16. Then they can request to continue in the 6th form until 18 or go to College but it isn't compulsory.
All 11 to 16 years old must wear uniform. But now most of the primary schools now have uniform. When I was 8 yrs I never wore uniform - but my newphew who is 8 years old has to.
I hope I have been a help and please feel free to e mail any more questions. I have no idea what a typical japanese meal might be. I would love it if you were able to tell ME what kind of things you would eat. Regards--tracey

xindia.jpg (1070 バイト)India,

608  Tomotada, Yuuki, Tomohisa, Eisuke
What animal is the most popular in India?  Do the women always wear Sally in India?  Our national traditional sport is "sumo" in Japan.  How about in your country?  What things do children play with in India?  (Oct 30)

Arun-Kumar from India (Nov 1)
> 608  Tomotada, Yuuki, Tomohisa, Eisuke
Tiger is the National Animal of India. Peacock is the National Bird of India. Yes, the women aklso wear sarry in India. Hockey is the National game of India. Childrens like to play Cricket, an english game. Judo, Karate, Taek-Waendoo are also famous in India.   I am very much delighted with your Questions...Regards Arun

xnetherlands.jpg (1226 バイト)Netherlands,

306  Mayumi, Yuka, Rie, Maki, Eri

Mirjam  from the Neatherlands (October 7)

209  Shiho, Naoko, Kyoko, Yuka
Dear Mirjam,  Loose socks and purikura are popular in Japan now.  Especially Japanese senior high school girls loves them.   I'll tell you about purikura.  It has many small picture seals.  It costs 300 yen, about 2.8 dollars.  One sheet has 16 seals.  We can exchange them with each other.  What is popular in your country?  (Oct 29)

xmongolia.jpg (980 バイト)Mongolia,

xmalaysia.jpg (949 バイト)Malaysia,

Nini from Malaysia (Octobr 21)
Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-cultural country consisting of the Malays, the Chinese, and the Indians.  Hence we have many festivals.  For the Chinese, we have the new year days, Duan-Wu festival, Ching-Ming festival, Ghost Day, Mid-Autumn festival, and Winter festival.
---New year days - self explanatory.
---Duan-Wu festival - falls on the 5th day of the 5th month of the Chinese calendar, and is for memorial of an old Chinese scholar politician who killed himself jumping into the river, on seeing the unrightness in the Chinese government at his time.  His name is Qu-Yuan.
---Ching-Ming festival - It falls on the 3rd month of the Chinese calendar, and is a day when all the Chinese go to the graveyard to clean the graves of their ancestors, and worship.
---Ghost Day - BTW, this is not the official name.  I don't know the official name.   It is on the 15th day of the 7th month of the Chinese calendar, and it represents that on this day, the spirits in the death world will all be released and they can come out from their side to our side for "roaming".  I am quoting this according to my own understanding of the tradition and I am not sure I don't get something inaccurately.
---Mid-Autumn festival - It is on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese calendar, and the Chinese folks eat moon cake to celebrate it. Their children also have fun with lantern parades - they each carries a lantern in their hands and walk around.
---Winter festival - This is on 22nd day of December, 3 days before Christmas.  It signifies the arrival of Winter.  We have no winter here in Malaysia, but it is a tradition among the Chinese folks here to celebrate on this day.  They just have a feast.
---Apart from the Chinese festivals, I know a few other festivals which is
not of Chinese origin:
1.  Hari-Raya
This is for the Muslims (Mainly Malays).  It is the break fast day.  The Muslims fast a month or so every year, and this is the day they end the long fast and celebrate.   It is as grand to them as the new year day is to the Chinese.
2.  Hari Haji
This is also for the Muslims.  If I am not mistaken, it is for memorial of their saints - the Haji.
3.  Deepavali
This is the most significant festival for the Indians here.  I don't know much about it, though.
4.  Christmas
Same as the others all over the world.
5.  National Day
Our national day is on the 31st of August.
---The Langkawi island is very famous for this sort of thing.  We can swim
any day of the year, it is always warm. 

106  Kyoko, Ayu, Midori, Misato
In Japan at the junior high school, students have no school on Sunday and Saturday afternoon.  We start school at 7:10 am.  But we start school at 8:30 am in winter.  This is our school system.   Kindergarten... during 2 years.  Elementary school... during 6 years.   Junior high school... during 3 years.  High school... during 3 years.   College... during 4 years.  How about in your country?  (Oct 26 ) 

Nini from Malaysia (October 28)
>106 Kyoko, Ayu, Midori, Misato

In Malaysia here, one may start group learning as early as at the age of 2.5 or 3.   That's call nursery school.  Such schools are usually one whole day, so that the mothers can go to work without having to worry about the their children.  At 5 and 6 years old, a child attends the kindergarten.  It is usually  half day system in the morning.
>From 7 yr old to 12 yr old, a child attends the primary school.  In order to accomodate for many pupils with limited classrooms, some of them have to attend their classes in the afternoon, while some in the morning.  For each and everyone, it is essentially a half day system.
>From 13 yr old to 17 yr old, a teenager attends the secondary school.  We call that form 1, form 2, form 3, form 4, and form 5.  It is also a half day system, although they frequently have to stay back in schools for some kind of projects or extracurriculum activities or extra classes.
After that, if one is lucky enough, he may have the chance to attend the so-called pre-university classes, which is form 6.  Form 6 are 2 years - lower 6 and upper 6.
After that, if he is still lucky, then he will attend 4 years of university.
The students attend classes from Monday to Friday, and some times have extra classes or extra-curriculum activities on Saturday.  Sunday no school.
I hope my information helps. Sounds like it is almost the same in Japan.  Nini

106  Kyoko, Ayu, Midori, Misato
Dear Nini,  Hello.  Thank you for your mail.  We could learn about festivals of your country.  We knew that we had festivals like your country.  And now we want to know your school system.   Please tell it to us.  (Oct 29)

xchina.jpg (1364 バイト)China,

Dixon School from China (October 24)
Hi, I'm a Chinese who currently lives in Canada and I hope to exchange
emails with your guys. I'm into J-pop, anime, and videogames. We could
talk about Canadian or Chinese culture if you want, whatever. Just
pppllllleeeeeaaaassseee reply!!!!! I'm desperate!!!!
Dixon School from China (October 28)
Well, when I eat, I don't really care about nourishment. My mom usually make me eat vegetables and stuff but I prefer meat the best. For the chinese characters, I seen lots of them when I play Japanese videogames but I don't really know what they mean. I tried to read them as I would with Chinese but it never makes sense. So, I didn't really like the different usage of chinese characters between Japan and China. Maybe you guys can teach me some Japanese. I can read Japanese on my home computer
so you can include Japanese in the emails if you want. Well, see ya!

606  Shinya, Satoshi

xsouthafrica.jpg (1296 バイト)South Africa,

Diedrich Henning from South Africa 

101  Hatsuki, Chihiro, Tomoko
There are many dance schools in Japan.  There are some street dancers, too.   They want to be professional dancers.  There are many kinds of dances.   For example, jazz, pop, funky, etc.  Sometimes I watch these people on TV.   I want to be in the future.  Are there any dance schools in your country?   Are there many dancers?  (Oct 30)

xaustria.jpg (1268 バイト)Austria
607  Shiho, Fumiko, Mitsuko,

xmexico.jpg (1155 バイト)Mexico
207  Koji, Yoshiyuki, Chiaki,

Blanca Cantu from Mexico   (October 24)
My name is Blanca. I live in Monterrey, Mexico. Monterrey is located in the north part of Mexico near to the United States. Monterrey is an industrial city. I'm studying Education. I'm 32 years old. I'm secretary.
Do you know another languages beside the English and the Japan? I hope to hear from you   Blanca 


Henry from Taiwan (October 26)
Hi:My name is Huai-pin Wu, you can call me Henry. I come from Taiwan, and Iam studying MBA program in the Univ. at Buffalo now.  I think it's a veryf good way to let your students understand the by themselves, not just from textbook. Maybe most of your students aren't familiar with Taiwan. There's some web home pages concerned about my home country. If your students are interested in this country, they can surf these home pages first. After that I can try my best to answer their questions. The web
address will list below.
The first home page has Japaness version, others have English version. Hope you can enjoy these. Henry 

302 Kaori, Miki, Keiko, Natsuko, Mayuko
Hello, thank you for your mail.  Our names are Mayuko, Keiko, Miki, Kaori, and Natsuko.  In Japan Vivian Sue is popular.  Do you know her and do you like her?   We don't know much about culture of Taiwan.  We want to know the culture of Taiwan you are proud of.  Please tell us about it.  Good by.   (Octo 30)


Pierre France from Haiti (October 23)
Dear teacher,dear students,
My name is Pierre France. I am a mathematics teacher in Haiti. I live now in Boston for graduate studies. If you are interested, please feel free to ask me all questions you can have about Haiti.  Yours Pierre France 

404  Haruna, Kyoko, Akemi, Yoriko, Kaori, Miki
We don't know about Haiti.  So tell us anything about Haiti.  What is the delicious food in Haiti?  Do you know about Japan?  What do you think about Japan?  (Oct 25)

Pierre France from Haiti (October 29)
To 404: Yes, I know about Japan. When I was in ninth grade, we spent three weeks, studying Japan in geography classes. During the last years, I read a lot about Japanese culture and  organizations. This year, from May to August, I was in Buffalo (USA) with a lot of Japanese students. With them, I could appreciate Japanese politeness, and I discovred Japanese cooking. I particularly liked sushi and green
Haiti is a little republic of 7 milion inhabitants, 28250 square kilometers of mountainous land, located in the Caribbean. On the map, look at the east of Central America, near Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto-Rico ... Some particular meals: rice and red beans, cooked together; fried pork and plantain; sweet potatoes cake ...

404  Haruna, Kyoko, Akemi, Yoriko, Kaori, Miki
The staple food of the Japanese is rice.  What is the staple food of the Haiti?   The famous food of the Japanese are miso soup, tofu, natto, tempura, sushi, and so on.  What are the famous food of the Haiti?  People speak Japanese in Japan, and there are many dialect.  What is the language spoken in Haiti?  There are sumo, judo, karate, etc in Japan.  What is the sport whose birthplace is Haiti?  The Japanese clothes is kimono.  What's the ethnic clothes in Haiti?  The traditional events in Japan are the Doll's Festival, Children's Day, New Year's Day , and so on.  How about in your country?  (Oct 29)

Hong Kong
110  Jin, Kensuke, Shinsuke
I have never been to Hong Kong.  Hong Kong is a part of China from July 1.   What changed?  I want to go to Hong Kong because I want to see Asian culture.   I like it very much.
We don't go to school on the second and fourth Saturday.  We go to school in a uniform.  Our school has six or seven classes in one grade.  How about in your country?  (Oct 26) 

Other Countries
We welcome the message from people in other countries.  Please send a mail to us and tell us about your country.